Articles 6 to 10 from total 17.
  • The basics of the tunnel parsing algorithm are covered in an article in: 2019 book in the series of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Volume 11950, 2021.

    A DOI and a PDF link will be placed here, after are available.
    At 2021 Jun 30, 12:12 GMT in news channel Tunnel Parsing
  • The .VIEW language is purposely designed for a large scale vector graphic production. It accommodates in its syntax different vector primitives, transformations, animations and events. To compile a .VIEW source code the .VIEW Studio comes in. As the graphical unit interface is still under development, the compiler is already available for experimentation online.

    We believe that the .VIEW Studio will be handy to everyone who produces often vector graphics (or their raster approximation), because of its easy
    At 2020 Dec 03, 09:04 GMT in news channel .VIEW Studio
  • The result of a parsing process is often a Syntax Tree (ST). This is a tree, that represents the syntactic information extracted from the input during the parsing process.

    Tunnel Grammar Studio generates Parsing Machines (PM) from Augmented Backus-Naur form grammars to a source code. The PM implements the visitor pattern for the ST construction. One way to use the PM is to inherit the visitor interface and at runtime to construct a custom ST. The second way is to generate an abstract or a concrete syntax tre
    At 2019 Nov 17, 16:48 GMT in news channel Versions
  • When writing a grammar, it is difficult to imagine (especially in the big grammars) all the connections and internal states that will be generated by the parser generator.
    Tunnel Grammar Studio (TGS) is a parser generator which provides a visualization of your grammars as automata. For debugging purposes, in real-time, with the help of the graphical unit interface, the developer can step by step, forward and backward, observe the creation of the syntax tree (generic, abstract or concrete) for the supplied in
    At 2019 Nov 17, 16:47 GMT in news channel Versions
  • Usually the parser generators provide a wide range of libraries with the generated parsers to ensure the compatibility with the different compilers and runtime environments. Tunnel Grammar Studio is a parser generator which generates stand-alone parsers. At the end of the parsing machine compilation process there is only a C++ source code which can be compiled by a C++ compiler that supports at least the C++98 standard. The generated to a source code parsing machines are using the standard C++ library for v
    At 2019 Nov 17, 16:45 GMT in news channel Versions